Want to engage in real world inquiry and problem solving? I can help you.
Choose Your Experience
*Q/A – What is inquiry?
* What has worked? What has not? What do you want to accomplish?
* Projects around the globe you might want to try
*Explore elements of current global inquiry projects and what they entail
*Lead a team meeting to focus on outcomes and student agency
*Lead conversations and brainstorm opportunities with students
* Co-plan an inquiry unit with teachers
*Co-teach an inquiry unit with teachers
*Provide ongoing feedback and reflection opportunities through the inquiry process for teachers and/or students
“I got frustrated but I stayed with it and knew that this was going to turn them and our school into a better place.”
“While helping kids, I thought of myself as a role model. I wanted kids to look up to me and see me as someone who can help them.”
“It felt like a real job.”